
1. Decompile:

  • First off download the original FlappyBird Here
  • Then decompile it with this tutorial

C:\Path to apktool>apktool d "Original FlappyBird.apk" workspace
2. Graphics:

Now we get to the actual modding, download my zip here. In there is a font folder, open that up and install the font.

  • Unzip then navigate to assets/gfx - This folder contains most of the Graphic elements of FlappyBird. ( The birds, Buttons, Score etc. )
  • In there is two files, a psd and png, open the atlas.psd in Photoshop and edit away, I categorized the parts already. Note:- If you don't have Photoshop, you can edit the png, it will be a little bit harder though.
  • Copy the "atlas.png" to the assets/gfx of the decompiled apk.

3. Splash:

  • In my Zip, navigate to drawable - Once again there is a psd and png file, edit as you like.
  • Copy the "splash.png" to /res/drawable of the decompiled apk.

4. Icon:

  • The folders: drawable-640dpi ; drawable-mdpi ; drawable-xhdpi ; drawable-xxhdpi contains different sizes of icons.
  • Edit them as you like, again there is psds and pngs. - You can easily change the color gradient in Photoshop!
  • Copy all the ic_launcher.png files to their corresponding folders in the decompiled apps /res directory.

5. App Name and Others:

In my Zip, navigate to /values in there is a strings.xml open it with your choice of advanced text editor ( e.g. Notepad++ ).
To change the app name, edit the following line:

<string name="app_name">Flappy Pulse</string>
Then copy the strings.xml to the decompiled apk's /res/values/ folder.

6. Recompile & Sign: 

Again recompile using This guide.

C:\Path to apktool>apktool b workspace FlappyExample.apk
Remember to sign your app otherwise it wont' install! - I always use Zipsigner