
I recently got a Samsung galaxy s and so far have been quite happy with it. Managed to root it and flash custom stuff just fine.
The only thing I'm not happy with however is the internal memory. it says 8GB but that seems to be split up between system files and other things. The final space has come down to around 3 GB which is hardly anything when you consider gameloft hd games and sgr is all about such games with it's Tegra 2 chip.
So I really need a way to swap my internal storage with my 32GB sd card. I think you gotta modify the vold.fstab file in the root but I haven't managed to do it properly on my own. Maybe someone here can do it ... or at least point me in the riggt direction.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: As per request by cooleagle, I'm going to post step by step instructions on how to successfully swap your Galaxy R internal memory with your SD card.

What you need to have:
1. Your phone MUST be rooted.
2. Root explorer (Or any such application)
3. The modified vold file (In link below... Thanks to amar for uploading)

What you need to do:
1. Download the vold file.
2. Put it on the sd card of your phone
3. Start root explorer.
4. Navigate to /System/etc and find your original vold.fstab. Copy it and place it in /data/app. (This will be your backup, just in case, although it isn't necessary since the vold provided should work.
5. Navigate to mnt/sdcard/external_sd/ and find the vold.fstab file and long press it. Then select copy.
6. When your back at /System/etc, first press "Mount R/W" at the top left corner of the screen or else it won't allow you to copy the new file.
7. Copy the new vold file.
8. Click mount at the top right corner again.
9. Close everything. Reboot your phone.
10. Have fun downloading lotsa crap to put on your enhanced SGR


Here is my
Modified vold:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/atta...1&d=1330910399 (Credits to amar for link)

Original vold (Back this up yourself cuz you won't be able to use this if you mess up your vold anyway :P)