APK - As If You've Used a older OS like SYMBIAN, you've seen a file called .sis or sisx, in java OS  you've seen .jar applications, these ex are of those installable programs, APK is actually ANDROID PACKAGE, but a new consumer, you can name it a software which could be installed

You Can easily install apks which are not bought or downloaded from PLAYSTORE, U Just have to click on the settings tab and then click allow unknown sources

UseFull Sites To Download APKs


What When You Download A Game And You Don t Know Where to put the files

this problem can be easily solved by puttin the folder in d android/data/
but please note that there should'nt be a change in the folder name, leave it as it was

There Are Two Types Of System Files
OBB which u hv to make a folder in android folder and then put in
FOLDER, which i told u earlier

LAUNCHERS - I Think thats the biggest confusion over people's mind that what the hell is TOUCHWIZ UX, Man Thts what is called a launcher, if you've used symbian there was a term called ":THEMES" , where themes were available which changes the icons and stuff. so here launchers are of same category but they kinda functions in a different way,

Different Companies Use Their different launcher like samsung using it s revolutionary TOUCHWIZ UX , SONy With SONY HOME, HTC With SENSE etc,

Usefull Launcher For Android WHICH can be downloaded from PLAYSTORE :-

APEX Launcher
NOVA Launcher

Launchers like System ones doesn t support themeing options as these go launchers do,
so you can replace your home with these incredible launchers.

STOCK - STOCK is the word you all know the meaning but in android, stock means the system apps like the ones which was pre installed on you phone, These Are un deletable untill you've rooted your phone

SUPERSU - This is the app which is installed on your phone when u root it, it has been made by revolutionary team of XDA including me :P
, NO m jokin i wasn't the mem, but seriously rooting your device, Makes your PHONE AWESOME :P

FLASHING - flashing an app usually means that you are installing and app with provided a flashable zip, and it automatically sets permissions.

PUSHING APP INTO SYSTEM - You Got to be rooted to do this, for those apps which is a system app and it won't install directly you can push it to system, by copying it to system/apps/here and set the provided func

SETTING PERMISSIONS - Setting Permissions are the set of works which can only be done by some root browsers like ES FILE MANAGER And ROOT EXPLORER,
There are 6 BOXES in which 3 Are of Read, 3 are Of Write And 3 are of EXECUTE

WiFi HotSpot - WiFi hotspots are the devices which u use at home to emit the wifi rays across the home or office, tht you can do js by your phone if it is compatible, Go to setting>conc>tethering or hotspot, you can enjoy ur phone's conc on any other device which have wifi conectivity

xPOSED FRAMEWORK - now you can enjoy modding your own android's rom without any kind of flashing any other rom, it just installs a new framework n then u r able to change things of ur SYSTEMUI

ROOT EXPLORERS - Some Explorers like ROOT EXPLORER, ANDROZIP ES FILE EXPLORER, allows you to go into the inside roots of the android, it need ur phone to be rooted, and from these kind of explorers you can set permission and push a app to system.