Requires Xposed Framework!
All ICS+ devices, as that's what the Xposed Framework requires.
Instagram itself obviously.
Download: (Requires Xposed Framework!)
After enabling the module in the xposed installer .. You have to reboot once .. And boom... Profit.... On every photo ... You'll c a download button in the options center off ask the photos which is situated before the ending of the photos ... As you can see in the screenshot attached.....
In case you need a great guide to install xposed installer... Here you go .. But remember... You need root to do all these....
Installation of the framework:
Download the Xposed Installer APK and install it
Launch the Xposed Installer,
go to the "Framework" section and click on "Install/Update"
You can verify this by starting the Xposed Installer again and making sure that the numbers in the "Framework" section are green.
If app_process jumped back to an older version (or none at all), you probably have a ROM with S-On or similar, which reverts any changes to /system after a reboot. Use installation via recovery in such cases.
Installation of any modules:Download <module>.apk
(e.g. via the builtin repository browser) and install it
Launch the Xposed Installer and go to the "Modules" section (you will also get there if you click on the notification warning you that the module is not enabled yet)
Enable the module by checking the checkbox
(note that you can install the framework and enable/disable multiple modules at once and reboot afterwards)